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PODCAST: Health Insurance does not ensure true health

In this episode, I share why I don't believe our 'health care' system inspires true health and why I don't take health insurance and how that's a VERY GOOD THING. 

You see, we've got a lot to think deeply about when it comes to the current system in our country; is it truly in favor of humans thriving or has it perpetuated a lack of trust in our own sovereignty and ability to heal ourselves. 

Ultimately, I think we need to question this heavily right now if we want to truly gain health or recover our health AND KEEP IT. Is health insurance, ensuring true health? Or are we losing sight of our own responsibility in creating optimal health and well being. 

Listen to Episode #64: Health Insurance does not ensure true health : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I share some of my own stories of how incredibly frustrating it was trying to find healthy doctors who actually listened to me and gave me any other treatment options other than drugs or surgeries. First do no harm was clearly not top of mind. 

If you have studied history where you recall that the healer/doctor helped by sharing their understanding of the body and use their tools but also TEACH people how to take it from there. We no longer are being cared for by the medical 'health care' system, which if we are honest is actually just sick care, minus the care. 

We've also lost our way on how to truly create a lifestyle that is conducive to true health and well being. 

 If you need support on your healing journey and align with my work - learn more about becoming a 1:1 client HERE

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